a colourful street in south america

South America For Empty Nesters

Travel For Empty Nesters As empty nesters, you have the incredible opportunity to embark on various enriching travel experiences. From exploring the stunning beaches of the Maldives to immersing yourselves in the rich history and culture of Europe, the world is your oyster. Consider a leisurely river cruise along the Danube, where you can visit…

people on a dingy next a huge iceberg

Antarctica Cruises For Empty Nesters

Cruise Options For Empty Nesters So you are looking a cruise for empty nesters to Antarctica? There are several cruise options available for empty nesters, offering everything from short break river cruises to exciting ocean voyages for far flung places. Popular destinations include the Mediterranean, Alaska, the Caribbean, and the South Pacific. Many cruise lines…

mosaic wall in morocco

Morocco For Empty Nesters

Morocco Highlights Morocco’s history is vibrant and diverse, reflecting the influences of various civilisations and cultures. From ancient Berber settlements to Phoenician, Roman, and Arab conquests, Morocco has been shaped by various historical events and cultural exchanges. The country has a fascinating history of indigenous Berber dynasties, Islamic conquests, and periods of European colonial rule….

palm trees in california

Travels In California For Empty Nesters

Hidden Gems: Off-the-Beaten-Path California Tours for Empty Nesters Giant Sequoia trees – Sequoia National Park – Sequoia National Park, nestled in California’s southern Sierra Nevada mountain range, is a captivating natural wonder that beckons visitors with its awe-inspiring landscapes and rich biodiversity. The park is renowned for its iconic giant sequoia trees, including the famous…

A scene of a celtic cross in ireland

Tracing My Mayo Irish Ancestry Trip

Tracing Our Family’s Mayo Ancestry One of my earliest memories was being told that my surname ‘Barrett’ was not English, but Irish. ‘Barratt’ is the English version. I knew from my dad, who passed away in 2015, that our Barrett family tree could be traced back to Mayo, Ireland within three generations. Consequently, our Mayo…

European postcards

Five Things You Should Know About Europe Before You Visit

Typical Questions About Europe As someone who is based in the UK I often get asked, or see questions on travel sites, asking for advice about travelling to Europe. Typical questions include; ‘What clothes should I pack?’ ‘Is Europe really busy at this time of year?’ ‘Do you know my friend in Poland?’ ‘Where can…

The singapore skyline reflected on water

Singapore On A Budget

Budget Flights To Singapore Today we arrive in Singapore. It is the third time we have been there. Way back in the spring this year Norwegian Air emailed its customers to announce their new flight route starting in October from London Gatwick to Changi, Singapore.  I took advantage of the fantastic deals they were offering. We…